Lee Spivak
Senior Manager, Advisory Services
Lee Spivak is senior manager of WM’s Advisory Services team, which implements a diverse portfolio of sustainability programs at leagues, stadiums, and events, along with customers across other industries. With over a decade of experience in sustainable business management solutions, Lee helps major sports organizations and Fortune 500 companies develop comprehensive environmental programs and sustainable supply chains.
His recent work experience includes sustainability strategy development, greenhouse gas inventory and mitigation plan management, SBTi, impact benchmarking, supply chain management, zero waste validations, material minimization and diversion efficiency initiatives, sustainability certifications, video production, CDP and DJSI reporting, stakeholder engagement campaigns, environmental justice, purpose-driven sponsorships, environmental marketing, and corporate reporting.
Prior to working for WM, Lee received an MA in International Environmental Policy from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies with a focus on energy and climate change. Hailing from Boston, he holds a BA in Psychology and Chinese from Bates College. Lee is also a WELL AP, LEED AP, and TRUE Advisor who loves spicy Chinese food.