The banking, electric utilities and automotive sectors have made the largest improvements in sustainability performance, according to a GlobeScan/ERM survey.
Integrating sustainability, showing tangible impact and addressing supply chain issues are the top criteria for a company to be recognized as a sustainability leader, according to a GlobeScan/ERM survey.
Legislation on sustainability, followed by disclosure standards, is viewed by experts as the most significant positive development in the last year, according to a GlobeScan/ERM survey.
Sustainability experts view climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, water scarcity, food security and water pollution as increasingly severe challenges, according to the latest GlobeScan/ERM survey.
Younger age groups are driving the consumption of vegetarian and vegan food, according to an EAT-GlobeScan survey. This trend presents a significant opportunity for sustainable food brands.
The public's increased concern about environmental issues underscores the need for governments and businesses to remain committed to the green agenda and simultaneously address socioeconomic concerns, according to GlobeScan.